
Our home library

Feb 13,23

One of the questions we hear the most is “which books do you read to learn about Seidr?” David and I read many books and our home library is always growing. There isn’t one book about Seidr in existence that will tell you everything, and a book is not the same as learning Seidr with a community and a teacher. But books are an invaluable source of information and inspiration, that can lead to certain insights. And, of course: books …

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The Roughnights: what are they about?

Nov 27,23

The Roughnights, it almost seems like everyone is talking about it, but what kind of nights are they exactly? The Roughnights are a translation of the German Rauhnächte. Called Rooknachten in Dutch. All these names refer to the darkest time of the year. Roughly the period from Midwinter to Three Kings Day on January 6. Mother’s Night used to be celebrated around Midwinter on December 21. A night dedicated to the great foremothers from Western and Central Europe. In other …

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The Matrons: a pilgrimage in Germany

Jul 17,23

It was a sweltering summer day when I and my friend Moniek left for Germany. We would stay in a small house between the hills for two nights and had a weekend to visit the various Matronentemples in the vicinity. For those who don’t know them yet: the Matrons are ancient mother goddesses of Europe. The image of the triple goddess emanates from them (but is probably even older). Hundreds of votive altars to the Matrons have been recovered. By …

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Sittan: a continental European form of Seidr

Mar 6,23

What exactly is it that we teach at Mirkrida? Our tradition is called ‘Sittan’. But before I explain what that is, let me provide some important background information. Seidr is a term that has gained popularity and prominence in recent years. Especially through series such as Vikings. Tattooing a Vegvisir or Valknut is done by many people, just like wearing a Mjolnir around the neck. These symbols are often expressions of admiration for ‘the culture of the Vikings’, who were …

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